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Hadiah Yang Terbaik Untuk Tersayang....

Terpanggil kali ini untuk berkongsi pendapat kerana sana-sini sibuk bercerita ingin memberikan hadiah sempena Valentine Days besok. Sedih dan keliru..... Itulah perasaan saya bila sana-sini hanya mendengar hadiah yang akan diberikan nnt hanyalah candle light dinner, bunga, coklat, barang kemas dll semata2 ingin menyambut Valentine.. Lupakan pasal valentine (sedia maklum HARAM disambut) tetapi yang ingin dikongsi disini ialah pemberian hadiah kepada yang tersayang. Bukankan jika jika benar2 kasih kepada isteri dan anak2, atau ibubapa, insurans adalah hadiah yang terbaik?  Insurans bukan satu paksaan tetapi satu langkah bijak yang perlu diambil untuk mengelakkan kesusahan ketika dilanda musibah. Kita tidak tahu bila musibah atas diri kita akan berlaku. Cuma yang kita mampu ialah bersedia, berdoa dan bertawakal sahaja. Sahabat-sahabat yang dikasihi… insurans itu sebenarnya adalah bertujuan untuk melindungi pendapatan anda dan membiayai kos perubatan anda. Dan apabila disebut “penda

Insurans ~ Kepentingan yang DIABAIKAN!!! :(

Assalamualaikum. Setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati.  WAJIB . Manusia takkan hidup kekal selamanya. Manusia  MUNGKIN  sakit. Berapa peratuskah manusia di dunia ini yang  TIDAK PERNAH  sakit sepanjang hayatnya? Manusia juga  SESEKALI  terpaksa dimasukkan ke dalam wad di hospital disebabkan oleh sakit. Adakah terdapat di antara para pembaca yang ingin menafikan fakta-fakta di atas? Ingin mengaku  “saya tidak akan mati”  ? Ingin mengaku  “aku PASTI takkan sakit”  ? Ingin mengaku  “aku YAKIN, aku tak akan dimasukkan ke dalam wad di hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan”  ? Mungkin kita boleh mengaku kita tidak pernah sakit, mungkin kita boleh mengaku kita tidak pernah dimasukkan ke hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan, tapi kita tidak tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada masa hadapan. Malang tidak berbau. Tiada siapa yang boleh meramalkan masa depannya. Oleh itu, timbullah pepatah melayu, yang berbunyi,  Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan . Kita tidak tahu bilakah hujan akan turun. Namun, jika kita d

Insurans ~ Sepatutnya dibeli ketika TIDAK memerlukan bukan beli ketika memerlukannya

Walaupun dunia dah semakin maju,tetapi masih ramai lagi yang tidak sedar kepentingan insurans,terutamanya bumiputera,baik yg mampu atau yg tidak mampu,bila cerita pasal insurans byk yg yg "kondem" dari support. Tetapi bila kereta tak da insuran cepat2 ambil insuran mungkin sebab nak ambik road tax,takut nt kena SAMAN. Lebih sayang kereta dari TUBUH BADAN SENDIRI... Setengah orang kedekut.. kalau tak kedekut, mungkin tak paham, beli kereta bayar RM 500 boleh, RM 1500 pun takper, asal bergaya, beli emas ribu - ribu sanggup, tapi nak bayar 5% dari gaji bulan utk kecemasan rasa mahal, sedangkan benda ni wajib + penting, dana kecemasan la katakan, kalau ada RM150,000.00  :)) dalam bank hari ni takper, tapi kalu ada kecemasan, RM150,000.00 kena guna, kene kumpul balik….berapa tahun nak kumpul 1otahun,20tahun... kan ker baik kalau orang lain bagi RM150,000.00 utk kecemasan,DUIT DALAM BANK TAK PAYAH NAK USIK ,BIAR DI MENIMBUN Mahal? RM200 mahal? RM 150 mahal gak

~sharing is caring~ another angle to think about insurance

MORTGAGE PROTECTION A house is more than just a "house," isn't it? If you've laughed in it, cried in it, and lived in it, it's a home—your home. If something should happen to you, will it remain with those who have shared it with you? A life insurance plan can assure that your home stays with your loved ones. FAMILY INCOME You have worked hard to bring your family's standard of living up to where it is. You shouldn't be willing to give that up—no matter what. They say "you can't take it with you,"  but earning capacity goes when you do! There is a way to guarantee that they will never have to sacrifice that standard of living, whether you are here or not. Life insurance. EDUCATION FUNDS Few things concern parents today more than helping their children get a college education. If costs continue to rise, a private university's annual cost exceeds $30,000! Money like that can be hard to come by. What can you do about it? Make sure your

Eating the Right Food and Maintaining Good Eating Habits is Essential

How many times have you been on a business trip and just been too busy to have a proper lunch? With today’s fast-paced lifestyle, it is important to follow these essential guidelines to proper nutrition and good eating habits on the road. When selecting meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products, make choices that are lean, low-fat or fat-free.   Eating the right food means consuming a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Select from all five vegetable subgroups (dark green, orange, legumes, starchy vegetables and other vegetables) several times a week.   Consume three or more ounce-equivalents of whole-grain products per day. In general, at least half the grains should come from whole grains.   As part of your good eating habits during your travels, consume three cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products.   Consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fatty acids and less than 300 mg/day of cholesterol, and keep trans-fatty

Why we need Insurance ~sharing is caring~

Given the complicated and fast-changing world we live in today, we encounter many dangers and risks daily. Such vulnerability and openness to jeopardy make us easy prey for predators of all forms, be it financial, physical, etc. Because of this, we ought to find ways to reduce our exposure to risk. To do so, one good way would be to transfer risk to third parties. Here, to gain knowledge on how to transfer risk, please read on! Today, with our society's complexity, one of the best ways to transfer risk would be through insurance. Many might think that insurance is expensive and a waste of money due to the high premiums paid. However, in contrary to their beliefs, insurance is in fact an important tool everyone ought to use as you basically only pay a tangible cost (money) to get intangible benefits (confidence, certainty, productivity, etc) and tangible claims (if something happens to you). Here, you can spend 1 to get 2 rewards. Given this, wouldn't insurance be a good inv

The 6 Most Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs

Some people swear by the mantra "everything in moderation," but the truth is, some foods, no matter how good they taste, are better off left alone. If you need a little motivation to stay away from these most  unhealthy foods , consider that four of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States are related to diet (diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke). And if you're looking to improve yours, cutting back on these six foods is a great place to start. 1. Soda. An average can of soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, artificial food colors and sulphites. Diet sodas have the even-more-unhealthy artificial sweeteners. A major part of the problem is that sodas have become a staple in many people's diets. A study in the journal Pediatrics found that 56 percent to  85 percent of children consume at least one soft drink a day , and 20 percent of adolescent males drink four or more sodas a day. "Parents and health officials n